‘The Quad’: A different type of current affairs show 

'The Quad' brings women’s voices to the forefront of discourse about Israel, where women with differing views engage in vibrant debates on critical issues.

 STRONG, DIVERSE, intelligent, vocal, and accomplished women are important to our country (photo credit: ASAF DRORI/JNS)
STRONG, DIVERSE, intelligent, vocal, and accomplished women are important to our country
(photo credit: ASAF DRORI/JNS)

The first episode of The Quad aired on JNS TV just eight days after October 7. Since then, its popularity is on the rise, with some 100,000 weekly views and climbing.

The show’s founder and co-producer, Foreign Ministry Special Envoy, and former deputy mayor of Jerusalem, Fleur Hassan-Nahoum, told The Jerusalem Post that more women’s voices must be represented in all sectors of society.  

“We will live in an unbalanced world as long as women are not in 50% of decision-making positions,” she said.“Last year, I had a vision that we could have an intelligent political discussion show run by women.” She had “this idea I really wanted to do, a show like The View because I felt that not enough female voices are ever coming out of Israel.”

When, last July, Jewish News Syndicate (JNS) approached her, asking if she would be interested in hosting a show on innovation, she told them: “I want to do a discussion show with women who have different perspectives , knowledge and experiences.”

JNS was excited by this vision and helped her get it off the ground, she said.

 STRONG, DIVERSE, intelligent, vocal, and accomplished women are important to our country (credit: ASAF DRORI/JNS)
STRONG, DIVERSE, intelligent, vocal, and accomplished women are important to our country (credit: ASAF DRORI/JNS)

“My co-hosts are strong, diverse, intelligent, vocal, and accomplished women whose voices are important to our country and the representation of our country in the world.”

With the show a hit in Israel and around the world, Hassan-Nahoum said that many people stop her and her co-hosts on the street to tell them how much they like it.

“We have managed to engage an audience because we speak as strong, honest, and genuine voices. We have touched a lot of people by creating a program with content  they can relate to,” she said.

She pointed out that apart from the all-women contingent and the fact that The Quad airs in English, the biggest difference between it and other Israeli news panels is that “On regular Israeli news panels people are shouting or talking over each other.

“We can have big disagreements, but we listen to each other and our discussions do not deteriorate into shouting matches. It is a different type of show.”

Asked why the show is named The Quad, Hassan-Nahoum explained that it was a play on “The Squad” referring originally to a group of four US congresswomen who are anti-Israel and seemingly pro-Hamas: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts, and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan.

In contrast to those of The Squad who are hellbent on delegitimizing Israel, the four women who incorporate The Quad have their hearts set on advocating for and improving their country.

The co-hosts

Hassan-Nahoum’s three co-hosts are American Israeli journalist and human rights activist Emily Schrader; political moderator Ashira Solomon; and former Canadian ambassador to Israel Vivian Bercovici.

For Schrader, “The Quad provides invaluable insight on Israel from female leadership – leadership that frankly is underrepresented in Israel. This show gives us a platform to be able to set the agenda, promote female leadership, and provide more in-depth insight from a number of angles on current events.”

“At a time of shocking antisemitism,” she told the Post, “it’s more important than ever to have difficult discussions that show the full picture. That is what we do on The Quad.”

Solomon explained that “Being a co-host on The Quad is an opportunity for me to amplify the power and balance of Jewish voices, quadrupling our impact.”

With a background in political moderation, particularly in women’s leadership conferences, Solomon said she brings an innovative perspective to the table. “The Quad allows me to express my ideas with feminine strength alongside powerhouse women who embody intelligence and grace.”

Solomon is “committed to ensuring diverse voices are heard, enriching the geopolitical landscape from a women’s perspective each week,” and “excited to contribute to this movement while learning from my co-hosts, as our show paves the way for more women to embrace their voices and lead with power.”

JNS CEO Alex Traiman said he was “excited to be producing The Quad, a platform that not only offers balanced news and analysis but also amplifies diverse voices and groundbreaking content.”

At JNS, he explained, “We’re dedicated to more than just reporting the news – we’re committed to providing a holistic understanding of Israel and its place in the world.

The Quad brings women’s voices to the forefront of the contentious conversations about Israel, where women with differing political and religious views engage in vibrant debates on critical issues. Yet, despite these lively disagreements, they always come together to support the one and only Jewish state.

“It’s truly an authentic Israeli experience that, for the first time, reaches a broader audience in English. The Quad provides unique insights in a way that is both extremely informative and wildly entertaining,” Traiman concluded.

Former ambassador Bercovici loves everything about The Quad

“My colleagues are sharp, fun, and we’re all so different... I love the variety of issues we take on. And I love that we do it in a collaborative spirit.

“We disagree plenty but find a way to have meaningful discussions without devolving into yelling matches, which has become so common. A little microcosm to demonstrate that women can and should be running the world! For me it is a weekly high point.”

Bercovici was missing from the show’s very first episode, aired on October 15, 2023, as she was in Canada running an emergency evacuation campaign.

The other three discussed where they were when the rockets and barbaric attacks of October 7 began; coping with national and personal tragedy; what had forever changed in Israel; and how the international community had reacted both positively and negatively. They spoke about the human cost and what it was like to be a woman, a daughter, a mother, and a wife watching those events unfold.

Episode 22, which aired on April 8, 2023, marked six months since October 7 with 133 hostages still in Hamas captivity. The body of slain hostage Elad Katzir had just been recovered by the IDF. The Quad confronted crucial questions and the growing antisemitism and anti-Zionism worldwide.

The following week, they were joined by former Israeli ambassador to the US Michael Oren for the episode titled: “Biden is involved in a blood libel against Israel.” Oren spoke about the Biden administration’s moral failure in vilifying an ally fighting for Western civilization; how Israel could successfully defend itself in the battle of public opinion; and his optimism that this current Israeli generation can change the political reality.

On April 21, The Quad dedicated an episode to the recent massive Iranian strike against Israel; expressing what they had felt while it was ongoing; and what it meant for the future.  They also interviewed former Al-Qaeda bride, ex-extremist, author, and activist Yasmine. Hassan-Nahoum said that she was “thrilled” that The Quad “resonates with so many  around the world, especially in these difficult times for our people.”

“I am moved anew every week, by people writing to me looking forward to the next episode,” she said.

“I think the honest straightforward and unapologetic discussions we have every week are a fresh addition to the Israeli public diplomacy landscape.”